Dun dun duuuun!
Alrighty guys, we're not in a good situation at the moment because my cutscene doesn't want to fully work with Mike's Wasabi Engine (darn) but it's cool, don't panic!
What I've suggested for Mike:
- Post up the problem on forums
- Work and focus on previous prototypes to see whether we can get a basic working engine, therefore
- I've relieved Mike of any artwork duties and this is where I'll need your help lol.
- I'll try and rope that programmer guy on dA after Mike has finished his post.
Rumzi has just about done Yu's house, once I've confirmed where the cameras will go, he'll provide some hi res pics for you guys to paint over. Make it as messy and painterly as possible: anything that would require the least amount of time and style that is easily applicable for the train backgrounds while ML finishes off his renders (due Tues).
Rumzi will start working on the ML's train file to see what he can come up with (train bar area), again same process for you artists.
I'm afraid I'll have to get some help with painting over the items that Rumzi has done as I'll be scrambling around to finish off the sprites and do the cutscenes and everything else.
By then, Mike will be able to help out with artwork stuffz and I'll stick with doing just the sprites.
Plan b will consist of:
- Re-programming everything into actionscript 2 and basically following/copying what I've done for TKON. I at least know that everything works just about but I'll need to change my interface design to keep it the same as TKON as we won't have time to work things out.
- Everyone else will have to take over the artwork including the sprites. I'll just write up that it's a collaborating project where I can solely focus on the engine and the sound design in conjunction with the artwork so don't worry about it being all different styles. I will not have any artwork done apart from the the interface designs and the cutscenes again. If time is still of an essence depending on how fast I'm working compared to everyone else, I may get someone to do the cutscenes in its entirety and I'll just animated it. Don't worry, I'll draw up the story boards and do all the dialogue. Focus will be on the train scenes.
- I'll cut the script down to Day1-2 instead of Day1-5. Meaning I'll cut out all the bits of players exploring Yu's house. Once Yu gets to his house after the crash, something creepy will happen in the house and police officers will turn up telling him about his sister being a murder suspect and currently missing. A shame that Rumzi's work will be wasted of what he's done to the house but right now we need to focus on the train.
So please be prepared and not be offended if arty people working on Yu's house work will be dropped if that is the case.
Things to cut out to save time:
- Scroll Text
- Added animation in cutscenes/blogologue
- Character design consistency
- Amend script
We'll know which plan to go for in the next 5 days or so...it'll be a rough October everyone!!!
I am in London 28th-2nd Oct. I propose a Team Wasabi meet!! Anyone free?!