Wednesday 24 August 2011

Apartment idea

I came across this pic on and I thought this is a really pretty inspiration for Yu's apartment complex (or Kemi's).  This could be a similar element in the train carriage idea - just be tweaking the colours perhaps?

EDIT: I also came across this on dA

From, pretty good reference for the mental asylum bit - IF we get to that bit XD.


  1. the apartment refs remind me so much of the grudge...!! scary

    and this deviant artist is AMAZING and perfect reference for this project!

  2. YEH! I quickly went through his gallery again and found another good pic of that apartment. Will do a proper post soon :D

  3. Awesome pictures. Could make a good ref for the outside of Yu/Kemis apartment. Also it just looks cool even if we never use it XD

  4. It is very pretty indeed! Maybe Kemi's as it's really bright for colour reference, not so much Yu's as his place has an upstairs/downstairs bit and this really suits places with only 1 floor.

  5. Yeh I dont think would suit Yu at all, but kemi totally. Not sure how much we can copy from this but it should come in useful.

  6. Well we can always check out Habitat in Tottenham Crt Rd when we meet up tmr, also I think there's some stuff happening at the V&A. Not really at the British Musuem but it might be worth checking it out and bring sketchbooks.

  7. Sounds good! Lets do that then


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