Sunday 31 July 2011

Yu wears my shirt 2

EDIT: Now with added scarf! Will do a texture jpeg soon.

Struggling with the scarf design a bit but I was thinking a dark red tartan patterned scarf which could be masked in photoshop and stuff.  Overall I think I've nailed the colours for him though! Cheers Mike for your suggestions, they seemed to work well!


  1. Looking good! I reckon you pretty much nailed it now, the colours all work really well together and the texture for the scarf really makes the image 'pop'. Nice out!

  2. Cheers! Yeh I feel like this colour combi works well for Yu, I can now do some official artwork for it now I guess? XD

  3. lol yeh that would be cool actually, like with real games how they have artwork released of the characters.

  4. If we get time, maybe do a unlockable gallery for some of the drawings but that's a big 'if'. Same with a music player but well that could be for later.

    i love it :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

    and the unlockable ideas as well

    haha great t-shirt..


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